Lina Aksu is a Judicial Cooperation Officer in the Eurojust SIRIUS project team, where she is focusing on cross-border access to electronic evidence in criminal investigations. She has a background in international law and experience in the national and international legal field. She worked as a legal officer for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), a legal advisor for International Humanitarian Law in Lithuanian Red Cross, as a justice commissioner at the Congress of Nations and States and at the National Courts Administration of Lithuania, where she was dealing with international judicial cooperation.
EU agencies experience and offer of judicial training on digitalisation
CEPOL plays an essential role in the prevention of serious and organised crime, terrorism, cybercrime, border management and other emerging security threats promoting & improving cross-border cooperation through the provision of vocational training. Offering joint training for law enforcement officials and judicial professionals is a strategic level need in the EU, as indicated in the EU STNA 2022-2025. CEPOL is a leading institution providing innovative high-quality training activities for law enforcement (LE) often accessible to judicial professionals. CEPOL will present its digital training tools enabling participants to acquire the necessary skills, knowledge, and expertise to tackle various forms of criminality. These activities are aligned with the EU's overall strategic objectives and policies aiming to enhance the interoperability and effectiveness of LE/judicial institutions across the EU.
The European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights will present its judicial training activities for judges and prosecutors dealing with IP and related infringements. Special focus will be put on presenting the tailormade content (substantive IP issues, IP infringements and enforcement in the online environment, including darknet and metaverse, AI facilitated activities, OSINT, etc.) and the means through which the training activities (presential and online) are delivered (presentations by renowned IP professionals and judges, hands-on practical exercises, working groups discussions, etc.).
Persisting low level of Charter use at national level signal a need for enhancing the availability and usage of trainings and training tools dealing with the EU Charter of fundamental rights. The digital arena can provide useful avenues in this regard while at the same time showing also limitations. The presentation will focus on existing FRA tools such as the new Charter-app, the Charterpedia database, the Charter e-guidance for judges or the Charter Trainers’ manual - all available at FRA’s website
EU agencies experience and offer of judicial training on digitalisation
CEPOL plays an essential role in the prevention of serious and organised crime, terrorism, cybercrime, border management and other emerging security threats promoting & improving cross-border cooperation through the provision of vocational training. Offering joint training for law enforcement officials and judicial professionals is a strategic level need in the EU, as indicated in the EU STNA 2022-2025. CEPOL is a leading institution providing innovative high-quality training activities for law enforcement (LE) often accessible to judicial professionals. CEPOL will present its digital training tools enabling participants to acquire the necessary skills, knowledge, and expertise to tackle various forms of criminality. These activities are aligned with the EU's overall strategic objectives and policies aiming to enhance the interoperability and effectiveness of LE/judicial institutions across the EU.
The European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights will present its judicial training activities for judges and prosecutors dealing with IP and related infringements. Special focus will be put on presenting the tailormade content (substantive IP issues, IP infringements and enforcement in the online environment, including darknet and metaverse, AI facilitated activities, OSINT, etc.) and the means through which the training activities (presential and online) are delivered (presentations by renowned IP professionals and judges, hands-on practical exercises, working groups discussions, etc.).
Persisting low level of Charter use at national level signal a need for enhancing the availability and usage of trainings and training tools dealing with the EU Charter of fundamental rights. The digital arena can provide useful avenues in this regard while at the same time showing also limitations. The presentation will focus on existing FRA tools such as the new Charter-app, the Charterpedia database, the Charter e-guidance for judges or the Charter Trainers’ manual - all available at FRA’s website
Ana Gallego is the Director-General for Justice and Consumers at the European Commission since November 2021. Before joining the European Commission she was Director-General of International Legal Cooperation and Human Rights in the Ministry of Justice of Spain. She has a degree in law from the University of Granada, Spain and studies in Translation and Interpretation from the same university.
EU agencies experience and offer of judicial training on digitalisation
CEPOL plays an essential role in the prevention of serious and organised crime, terrorism, cybercrime, border management and other emerging security threats promoting & improving cross-border cooperation through the provision of vocational training. Offering joint training for law enforcement officials and judicial professionals is a strategic level need in the EU, as indicated in the EU STNA 2022-2025. CEPOL is a leading institution providing innovative high-quality training activities for law enforcement (LE) often accessible to judicial professionals. CEPOL will present its digital training tools enabling participants to acquire the necessary skills, knowledge, and expertise to tackle various forms of criminality. These activities are aligned with the EU's overall strategic objectives and policies aiming to enhance the interoperability and effectiveness of LE/judicial institutions across the EU.
The European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights will present its judicial training activities for judges and prosecutors dealing with IP and related infringements. Special focus will be put on presenting the tailormade content (substantive IP issues, IP infringements and enforcement in the online environment, including darknet and metaverse, AI facilitated activities, OSINT, etc.) and the means through which the training activities (presential and online) are delivered (presentations by renowned IP professionals and judges, hands-on practical exercises, working groups discussions, etc.).
Persisting low level of Charter use at national level signal a need for enhancing the availability and usage of trainings and training tools dealing with the EU Charter of fundamental rights. The digital arena can provide useful avenues in this regard while at the same time showing also limitations. The presentation will focus on existing FRA tools such as the new Charter-app, the Charterpedia database, the Charter e-guidance for judges or the Charter Trainers’ manual - all available at FRA’s website