Beyond Traditional Methods: The Future of Unconscious Bias Training through Immersive Technology
This workshop presents an innovative approach to addressing unconscious bias in the legal sector by harnessing the power of 3D metaverse environments and virtual reality. Join our workshop where we explore the latest advances in immersive technology and their potential to enhance equality and justice. Engage in discussions, Q&A sessions, and discuss how AI paired with these cutting-edge tools can revolutionise unconscious bias training, and be used to gain awareness of one's own possible bias.
Beyond Traditional Methods: The Future of Unconscious Bias Training through Immersive Technology
This workshop presents an innovative approach to addressing unconscious bias in the legal sector by harnessing the power of 3D metaverse environments and virtual reality. Join our workshop where we explore the latest advances in immersive technology and their potential to enhance equality and justice. Engage in discussions, Q&A sessions, and discuss how AI paired with these cutting-edge tools can revolutionise unconscious bias training, and be used to gain awareness of one's own possible bias.
EU Institution
Beyond Traditional Methods: The Future of Unconscious Bias Training through Immersive Technology
This workshop presents an innovative approach to addressing unconscious bias in the legal sector by harnessing the power of 3D metaverse environments and virtual reality. Join our workshop where we explore the latest advances in immersive technology and their potential to enhance equality and justice. Engage in discussions, Q&A sessions, and discuss how AI paired with these cutting-edge tools can revolutionise unconscious bias training, and be used to gain awareness of one's own possible bias.